
I must admit that removing mod_imagemap and mod_cern_meta could have been 
handled better. But at the time I really could not imagine that anyone is 
still using them. As Bob Proulx has pointed out, there is really no way to 
re-introduce them into jessie. For people who need to use them on jessie 
now, I have the following suggestion:

* build the module once
* take the .so file and put it into /usr/lib/apache2/modules
* put appropriate .load files into /etc/apache2/mods-available

As they don't have any extra library dependencies, it is extremely likely 
that the compiled modules will continue to work for as long as apache2 
stays at version 2.4.x in Debian.

This way, you only have to do the work once and don't have any problems 
with security updates because you will still be using the unmodified 
Debian packages for the rest of apache2. Only in the unlikely case that 
the removed modules have a security update would you need to re-build the 

As a way forward, I am going to re-introduce mod_imagemap and 
mod_cern_meta in stretch. Maybe those apache2 package will be made 
available in jessie-backports at some point of time, which would give an 
alternative for jessie, too.

For the "build the module once" step above, the most reliable way is to 
extract the source package, add the module to the configure flags, build 
the binary packages, extract the apache2-bin package using 'dpkg 
--extract' and take the .so file from there. I have done this for amd64 
and put the result here:



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