Huh?  I thought they claimed they were interchangeable.  I had an
image from my model B days 3 years ago that I booted on my 3B.  And I
cloned a working current 3B SD card and booted a Zero from it.  There
isn't a different Debian image for every brand of motherboard and CPU,
they probe to see what hardware is there.  I wouldn't expect older
images to contain drivers for newer hardware maybe.

I guess I wouldn't make too much of the jump to 64 bit just yet.  I
remember when i386 jumped to 32 bit.  16 bit had a messy segmented
memory addressing scheme I was glad to get away from.  I can't afford
more than 32 bits worth of RAM anyway, especially since I've usually
got about 4 machines running.

On 7/28/16, Gunnar Wolf <> wrote:
> Alan Corey dijo [Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 01:28:31PM -0400]:
>> > 64-bit/ARMv8 on the RPi3 is still in progress.
>> Yes, so they claim and I wonder how they're going to deal with the
>> fact that some Pis are 32 bit and some 64.  I posted this question
>> there but I haven't looked into the links in the response a lot:
> It should not be that much of a deal — After all, images for the
> different generations of Raspberries are not interchangable — A RPi1
> won't boot a RPi2 image, nor viceversa. Of course, the earlier
> generations could share all compiled binaries, while now it won't be
> the case (when it actually runs 64, that is).

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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