On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 03:01:09PM +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> I prefer to run pukka Debian rather than Raspbian, approximately as
> described at http://sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-jessie-on-rpi2/
> http://blog.flexvdi.com/2015/03/17/enabling-kvm-virtualization-on-the-raspberry-pi-2/
> and related pages describes getting Qemu+KVM running on an RPi2.

Wow I did not know it used a non standard interrupt controller.  Ouch that
would make it painful.

> Has anybody done this, are there comparable instructions for an RPi3, and-
> above all- is there a straightforward kernel release suitable for host and
> guest?
> I've had it working after a fashion on an RPi2, but I found the process of
> working out how the standard kernel was built and then merging patches from
> GOK where to be painful.

I suspect it would be quite similar between the Pi2 and pi3, although
who knows, there could be more small differences showing up.

I have only run kvm for arm on an AM572x which has a standard interrupt
controller and hence was not too bad to get going.

Len Sorensen

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