On Sunday 24 September 2017 11:59:57 Alan Corey wrote:

> But what's the purpose of having the gateway fields in interfaces if
> not to to be reliant on the routing table?
> But it's worth a shot, something like
> route add default gw

That was it!

Now I've used apt to update 5 packages, and its now installing synaptic 
and all its 2nd and 3rd cousins. 112 megs worth. I did ask it to install 
xfce, but it couldn't find it. I'll try lxde next, but its entirely too 
simple. With xfce I can set up 4 workspaces/windows and the survive a 
reboot. You can add them in lxde, but they don't survive a reboot.

Anyway, progress, sorta. I am going to put that command in rc.local just 
for S&G. Oh, oh, I had to create that file, does not bode well. But 
we'll find out I guess.

Thanks Alan, a bunch. I owe you a cold one. :)

> It's simple enough to undo it with
> route del default
> to take it back out if it doesn't work.
> I dunno, I haven't manually messed with routing tables in years.  They
> can be  a bear on a laptop that gets moved between networks but since
> I retired my laptop never goes anywhere.  Gateway is one of the fields
> handled by DHCP but it looks like you don't use that.
> Never liked DHCP much but I'm getting used to it since my phone (wifi
> router) doesn't give me a choice.  I set up machine names in
> /etc/hostname and those become visible over the air.  So I can ping,
> ftp, ssh whatever upstairs, zero, hp but only as long as I keep my
> phone bill paid and it all works.
> On 9/24/17, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> > On Sunday 24 September 2017 04:34:50 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> >> On 23/09/17 20:00, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>
> >> I'd suggest checking using  traceroute -I  and then looking at 
> >> route -n and/or  ip route ls  which should give you a bit more of
> >> an indication of what's going on. IME this sort of thing is usually
> >> because the router isn't NATting the entire 192.168.x.x range.
> >
> > As said before, traceroute is not installed.
> >
> > But I may have found a buglet.
> >
> > In the route -n output, no gateway has been assigned:
> >
> > root@rock64Sheldon:/etc/network/interfaces.d# route -n
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref   
> > Use Iface
> >         U     202    0      
> >  0 eth0
> >     U     202    0      
> >  0 eth0
> >   U     0      0      
> >  0 eth0
> >
> > yet in /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 it is:
> > allow-hotplug eth0
> > auto eth0
> > iface eth0 inet static
> > address
> > gateway
> > =============================
> > Same stuff from the pi running jessie
> > auto eth0
> >
> > # regular network for coyote.den
> > iface eth0 inet static
> > address
> > netmask
> > gateway
> >
> > And pi@picnc:~ $ route -n
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref   
> > Use Iface
> >         UG    0      0      
> >  0 eth0
> >   U     0      0      
> >  0 eth0
> >
> > end of jessie version
> >
> > Of course its not going to work w/o a gateway, but wth?
> >
> > Need a coffee IV.
> >
> > Thanks Mark.
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> > --
> > "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
> >  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> > -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> > Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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