* On 2019 19 Feb 15:11 -0600, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> On 2019-02-19, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > I've been running Stretch on my Olimes A20-Olinuxino Micro for several
> > months without issue until just a while ago.  I performed an update
> > through Aptitude whereupon the latest version of systemd and kernel were
> > updated.  After a proper shutdown and restart the boot process stalls
> > at the point where "Starting kernel ..." is displayed.
> It's a known problem, see:
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2019/02/msg00011.html
>   https://bugs.debian.org/922478
> A fix is in process of getting pushed out.
> You'll probably need to boot an older kernel to update to the new one
> once it's available...

Thanks Vagrant and Steve for the quick replies!

There is an older kernel in /boot with a symlink of vmlinuz.old pointing
to it.  As I've not studied uboot in depth, is there an "easy" way of
booting that kernel?  I've been poking around the Debian Wiki, but have
yet to find the trick to selecting another kernel as in Grub which I am
more familiar with.

- Nate


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