On 2019-02-19, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * On 2019 19 Feb 15:11 -0600, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>> On 2019-02-19, Nate Bargmann wrote:
>> > I've been running Stretch on my Olimes A20-Olinuxino Micro for several
>> > months without issue until just a while ago.  I performed an update
>> > through Aptitude whereupon the latest version of systemd and kernel were
>> > updated.  After a proper shutdown and restart the boot process stalls
>> > at the point where "Starting kernel ..." is displayed.
>> It's a known problem, see:
>>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2019/02/msg00011.html
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/922478
>> A fix is in process of getting pushed out.
>> You'll probably need to boot an older kernel to update to the new one
>> once it's available...
> Thanks Vagrant and Steve for the quick replies!
> There is an older kernel in /boot with a symlink of vmlinuz.old pointing
> to it.  As I've not studied uboot in depth, is there an "easy" way of
> booting that kernel?  I've been poking around the Debian Wiki, but have
> yet to find the trick to selecting another kernel as in Grub which I am
> more familiar with.

If you're using the flash-kernel boot script, from the u-boot prompt:

  setenv fk_kvers 4.9.0-7-armmp

You might have to do "ls mmc 0:1" or wherever your boot partition is to
find the correct version.

It doesn't help you right now, but in the future you might want to
experiment with the "u-boot-menu" package(in testing and
stretch-backports), which should work out of the box for many boards as
long as /boot, / and /usr/lib/linux-image-* are on the same partition
and the device-tree defines the default console (and with some tweaks
and cooperation from flash-kernel can work with a split /boot as well).

live well,

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