
On Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 08:11:43PM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> On 7/9/21 22:46, Reco wrote:
> > > Some will recall the discussion around raspberry adding a MS repo to
> > > sources.list last year.
> > I've "installed" fresh RaspiOS recently and they're still doing it.
> My vscode sources list reads   ### Disabled by raspberrypi-sys-mods ###
> Interesting . Perhaps this is because I have installed only CLI?

I did "apt purge raspberrypi-sys-mods", mainly because that particular
package betrayed me in the past by introducing vscode.list. And doing it
the worst way possible - instead of providing the file as a part of the
package, it was created by postinst script of raspberrypi-sys-mods.

But, discussing RaspiOS is considered off-topic and inappropriate here,
so that's my last contribution in this subthread.


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