Am Donnerstag, den 24.09.2009, 20:44 +0200 schrieb Marcel Koopmans:
> Hello Felix,
> I tried the version you suggested.
> Booting it into "expert install" makes it hang during boot...
> Final message = "(process:1161): INFO: kbd-mode: setting console mode to 
> Unicode (UTF-8)"
> I'll see this as a good start ;-)

You have to add `nopat' to the boot options.
This will be hopefully fixed soon in the dailys.
The fix is now in the stock Debian sid kernel but d-i's is a bit

> But "Graphical expert install" works.
> Partition issues that I see is that I only did create 1 partition for 
> LVM but when I create a VG I can but it anywhere.
> This does not happen in the current text version.
> Also, in text mode I am allowed to make a LV with the size "max" but in 
> graphical this fails.
> ( I could be wrong here... as far as I recall in the text version the 
> max number is just filled in and I most likely just press enter )

Maybe Colin can tell something there. I'm not familiar with partman.

> After the installation I see GRUB version 1.97~beta3
> And it seems I did end with squeeze/sid not Lenny 5.0.3

Only with the businesscards in expert mode you can choose between
By default (and so always with netinst) testing gets choosen.

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer

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