On Saturday 26 September 2009, Frans Pop wrote:
> It still means that the cleanup will take quite a bit longer than the
> planned 4 hours. I'm leaving the current dump+load stage running while I
> catch some sleep (after more than an hour it's now at revision 12875 out
> of 55900).

alioth is still slowly but steadily making progress on this main part of 
the dump+load. It's now at 53900, so 2000 more to go.
The speed at which revisions are processed varies a lot. During the last 2 
hours 2800 revisions have been processed, but the hour before that I got 
only 300 revisions in an hour.
For comparison: when I first tested the cleanup all 55900 revisions got 
processed in about an hour; now it looks to be something like 16 hours.

After these first 55900 revisions there are three more stages:
- load the cleaned up part of the history (55901 - 57350)
- dump+load the rest of the history (57351 - HEAD)
- updating revision comments to explain the cleanup and checking that
  all has gone well

So my best estimate ATM is that we'll get there today, but expect commits 
to remain blocked for most of today.


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