On Friday 25 September 2009, Frans Pop wrote:
> I'm going to have another try at the cleanup [1] of the D-I SVN
> repository tonight.
> This means that starting 22:00 UTC committing changes to the Debian
> Installer subversion repository will not be possible.
> I expect the repository to be available again about 4 hours later, but
> please wait for the announcement.
> During most of the time reading from the repository should be possible,
> but if possible it is best to avoid using it completely. Attempts to
> commit changes during the cleanup will result in an error message.

The cleanup has been successfully completed. I have documented the cleanup 
in the commit log for a number of affected revisions [1].

The repository is now again available for commits. I've done some checks 
and everything looks perfect, but please be alert for unexpected problems.
I have made backups of the repository at two points and will keep those 
until we are confident there are no hidden issues.

I would recommend everybody to do an 'svn up' before doing any new work or 
before committing changes.

!! If you do notice anything odd, please mail the debian-boot list ASAP !!

* People with a git-svn checkout with history should be aware that their
  history no longer 100% matches the cleaned up subversion repository.

* People who have backups of the repository may want to check that their
  backup is still valid and/or make a new one.

My thanks one final time to Bastian for his comments and suggestions during 
the development of the cleanup procedure.
Sorry for any inconvenience due to the unavailability of the repository, 
but I think the end result was worth it.


[1] Examples:
- http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/d-i/?rev=55901&sc=1 (where it all started)
- http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/d-i/?rev=55934&sc=1 (now empty l10n-sync)
- http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/d-i/?rev=55973&sc=1 (release tag)

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