On Thu, 8 Dec 2011 23:45:04 +0100, Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> wrote:
> there's connectivity.  On the other hand we added a bloated wpa
> supplicant with crypto libs without any effort to get it trimmed (yet),

That's simply wrong. I spent quite some time at Debconf trying to trim
down the size of the WPA support. There is certainly room for
improvements but it's not as easy as it may seem at first. I also
discussed the size implications with Otavio at that time. Patches are
always welcome.


P.S.: I don't oppose the addition of a ping command at all. In fact I
don't care.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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