Lennart Sorensen <lsore...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> (2019-01-14):
> Hmm, I recall having it give a checklist in the past, but I could be
> remembering wrong.
> Certainly if I run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, it offers me a checklist
> of which devices to install grub on, so having both sda and sdb
> selected works fine.

If you go for a manual list, space-separated "/dev/sda /dev/sdb" works
just fine.

This is likely “grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect” in debconf
(but please double check!).

Checking grub2, this is very likely:

,---[ debian/grub-pc.templates.in ]---
| Template: grub-pc/install_devices
| Type: multiselect
| Choices-C: ${RAW_CHOICES}
| Choices: ${CHOICES}
| _Description: GRUB install devices:
|  The grub-pc package is being upgraded. This menu allows you to select which
|  devices you'd like grub-install to be automatically run for, if any.
|  .
|  Running grub-install automatically is recommended in most situations, to
|  prevent the installed GRUB core image from getting out of sync with GRUB
|  modules or grub.cfg.
|  .
|  If you're unsure which drive is designated as boot drive by your BIOS, it is
|  often a good idea to install GRUB to all of them.
|  .
|  Note: it is possible to install GRUB to partition boot records as well, and
|  some appropriate partitions are offered here. However, this forces GRUB to
|  use the blocklist mechanism, which makes it less reliable, and therefore is
|  not recommended.

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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