On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 01:21:13PM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> So.
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 10:45:36AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > That sounds like a much more reasonable way forward, although I'm not
> > keen on extending di-netboot-assistant (it's massive already, and does
> > very different things). At any rate, I'll have a look at implementing
> > this. Thanks for the suggestion!
> This turned out to be fairly simple in the end. First, create a apt.conf
> file like so:
> Acquire::IndexTargets::deb::SHA256SUMS {
>       MetaKey 
> "$(COMPONENT)/installer-$(ARCHITECTURE)/current/images/SHA256SUMS";
>       ShortDescription "SHA256SUMS";
>       Description "$(RELEASE)/$(COMPONENT) $(ARCHITECTURE) d-i SHA256SUMS 
> (deb)";
> };
> Next, create a config file like this:
> images:
>   mini.iso:
>     mirror_type: deb
>     limit:
>       Suite: stable
>       Architecture: amd64
>     basedir: main/installer-amd64/current/images
>     relative_name: ./netboot/gtk/mini.iso
>     target_filename: /var/lib/libvirt/images/bookworm-mini.iso
>   netboot.iso:
>     mirror_type: cd
>     basedir: current/amd64/iso-cd
>     filename_regex: debian-[0-9.]+-amd64-netinst.iso
>     target_filename: /var/lib/libvirt/images/bookworm-netinst.iso
> And then once you have that, the following perl script should do the
> job.
> (config file stored either as /etc/debian-isosync/config.yaml or
> passed as the first argument to the script)

I've pushed this to https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/d-i/isosync.
Happy to move it elsewhere if necessary, but I think it fits within the
d-i team.

Haven't added it to the mr configuration (yet) nor uploaded to the
archive; feedback on whether people think this a good idea is welcome.


I will have a Tin-Actinium-Potassium mixture, thanks.

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