On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 17:52, Michel van der Klei wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 12:33:54AM +0100, Michel van der Klei wrote:
> Processor: Dual P3 800 Mhz

> There was a wrong kernel installed (K7) and grub could not read the root partition.

Today is spend some time reproducing the errors i discovered last night.

On an old P3 500  Compaq machine i performed an installation of Sarge
first. The installation was awsome. No problems found.

After that i formated the partitions and tried to perform an install of
Woody. All worked out partioning, base-install .... no problems found. 

When i received the message "Installing the kernel" i switched to tty3
to see what kernel there was going to be installed, .... it was the k7
kernel. Grub installed fine.

After the reboot  received the same message as i received last night,
... unable to read root partition. So the same trouble in "Debian

I booted from cd and tried to install Sarge again, but no way. Same
errors as last night.  

I had to do the same routine as on the dual p3 box. Format the mbr,
remove the partitions manually etc. etc.

IMHO there must be something wrong with the kernel selection of the
Woody install. Sarge install runs fine on all the machines i've testes
on. But when i try to install Woody the shit hits the fan. 

Michel van der Klei

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