Hi Thomas,

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 22:14, Thomas Poindessous wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 09:13:26PM +0100, Michel van der Klei wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 17:52, Michel van der Klei wrote:
> > 
> > On an old P3 500  Compaq machine i performed an installation of Sarge
> > first. The installation was awsome. No problems found.
> > 
> > After that i formated the partitions and tried to perform an install of
> > Woody. All worked out partioning, base-install .... no problems found. 
> > 
> > When i received the message "Installing the kernel" i switched to tty3
> > to see what kernel there was going to be installed, .... it was the k7
> > kernel. Grub installed fine.
> Are you trying to install woody (stable) with sarge (testing) 
> debian-installer ? 
> I don't think this operation is supported.

That operation is supported. With the businesscard cd you have the
possibillity to choose between stable, testing and unstable.

With the 100 mb netinstall cd you dont have that choice because of the
cd-rom which contains the base -install packages.

> And for the wrong kernel selection, a new selecting mode is written, but
> it's not yet released and in unstable.

Thats fine and good to hear.
Michel van der Klei

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