Hi all,

I think that the situation with my commit access to the d-i svn repo is
getting burdersome and over ridiculous.

I have in the past few weeks made every effort to be nice to Frans, both on irc,
and in mailing list, the only exception that could be considered as anything
but nice would be the post i made earlier this week, but even that is mild at

But it is clear that frans is not going to take this effort into account, and
at two times this pasts weeks on irc he showed strong absence of will to come
to a positive and constructive solution.

I don't think that the solution that aj had in mind was that i demostrated
myself to be meak and submissive, and thus begged for the commit to be
activated again, while the other side persists in his superior attitude and is
not even able to recognize his part of the fault, but this is clearly
happening, which you can all see on the attached log, of which the most
important quote is :

  19:13 <+fjp> svenl: If you put me in a bad mood, you'll never get commit
  access back. Think about that.

I cannot in these conditions continue to make efforts to be nice and all, and
seriously, this is over-ridiculous, and in no way in any way related to any
kind of offense i may or not have done. I was not the only guilty party back
then, and fjp and others also misbehaved. Also, given the way i am threated
and handled on irc channels and mailing lists, being threated as an idiot, and
someone to be the laughing stock of half of debian, i think that there are
very little folk who have the moral right to feel offended by what i have said
these past weeks, and have very much themselves things to be ashamed about.

So, how are we going to continue on this ? It seems clear that Frans is not
able to be a judge on this, and is letting his own pride take the decisions,
and not seeing the efforts i make and probably never will.

So, i want to know now, from the other members of the d-i team, if you agree
with frans, and i should leave any d-i work forever, or if there is any chance
that this situation can be solved in some not-forever future.

I also particularly want our DPLs opinion on this, given that the current
state of affair was to lay all blame on me, give all reason to frans, and hope
the solution will solve itself in the future, which is becoming clear now
didn't work.

So, i may have misbehaved in the last few months, but i claim that due to my
personal situation i was particularly stressed, which all would agree on i
guess, and that i made mistakes, altough i was not the only one in doing so.
So, Frans, i apologize to you for whatever i have said which offended you, and
i don't expect any apology from you for what you said which has offended me or
whatever. Seriously, the situation has no lasted enough, and is at a point
where you are losing any justification of continuing in your current course
without losing face and becoming ridiculous all of yourself. I think you don't
gain anything by it, so let's stop this and be constructive, ok ?


Sven Luther
18:38 < svenl> i am helping debug a remote power5 virtual partition install,
and the daily-built image i built on tuesday is failing to install
18:38 <+fjp> joeyh: Your move of calling choose-mirror from apt-setup within
mirror-setup generator fucks up the apt-setup progress bar...
18:39 < svenl> i am a bit at a loss on how to get the logs out of the box to
check this. scp is part of the ssh package, and we can use that right ?
18:39 < svenl> installed with anna, i always forget that syntax.
18:40 <+fjp> Alphix: Care to commit the patch you sent in yesterday? I'd like
to upload that before dinstall tonight. Or do you have doubts about it?
18:40 < Alphix> fjp: which one of them? The lvm_tools.sh patch?
18:40 <+fjp> svenl: Use save logs option and get them using a web browser
18:40 < svenl> hi fjp .
18:40 <+fjp> Alphix: Yes.
18:41 < svenl> fjp: is the save logs option already available when the
'downloading additional modules' failed ?
18:41 < Alphix> fjp: how about the change from priority high to critical of
all partman-lvm questions/error messages?
18:42 <+fjp> svenl: Depends on the initrd... I think it is in most cases.
18:42 < svenl> its a netboot inintrd, i have not tested it myself.
18:43 <+fjp> svenl: Just ask the user if it's listed in the menu. If all else
fails, netcat (nc) can be used too.
18:43 < svenl> fjp: BTW, what is the problem with swap-on-lvm and bootloaders
? I didn't see any interaction in them.
18:44 <+fjp> svenl: Read the whole thread please.
18:45 < svenl> fjp: i did, well, almost, it seems some of the intermediary
mails have not reached my inbox yet, those after my own post.
18:45 < Alphix> svenl: the problem is swsusp (possibly)
18:45 < svenl> Alphix: well.
18:46 <+fjp> Alphix: That one is less urgent. I'm not totally sure about it.
AFAIK the general rule is that the installer should ensure that questions that
             don't have a working default or show a fatal error are always
18:46 < svenl> Alphix: but supposedly if you are able to get the ramdisk
loaded, then you are independent of the bootloader.
18:46 < svenl> Alphix: and then the question is only if there is swsusp
support in the ramdisk or not.
18:46 < Alphix> fjp: I'll hold that patch then?
18:46 < svenl> Alphix: and as we can put world+dog in the ramdisk ...
18:47 < Alphix> svenl: yes...its only a question of initramfs, not grub
18:47 < svenl> Alphix: initramfs-tools or boot. Did you guys involve Jonas and
max in that discussion ?
18:47 < Alphix> fjp: I'll run a test of the lvm_tools.sh changes to make sure
they didn't break partman-lvm and then I'll commit...will take half an hour or
18:48 <+fjp> Alphix: OK
18:48 < svenl> fjp: is there a documentation on the netcat syntax somewhere ?
18:49 < Alphix> svenl: not yet, but once I've worked a bit more on
partman-auto-lvm O'll send an email to debian-devel and cc
                maintainers to make sure there's no other issues with moving
swap partition into the lvm VG
18:49 <+fjp> man nc?
18:49 <+fjp> See also the FAQ in the wiki. Question 28 IIRC
18:50 < svenl> Alphix: it would be more efficient to cross-post your
discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with a bit of context for the late-comers.
18:50 < svenl> fjp: thanks.
18:50 < Alphix> svenl: will do
18:51 < svenl> Alphix: like said, maxs and jonas are the i-t and yaird
maintainers, there is also a wiki page about the features of both.
18:52 < svenl> fjp: 28 seems to be : Q: How to shrink an existing windows
18:52 < svenl> :)
18:52 < svenl> will do my homework and search.
18:52 < Alphix> svenl: yes I know...but the wiki page doesn't explain whether
yaird supports resume from swap-on-lvm
18:53 < svenl> Alphix: ah.
18:56 <+fjp> svenl: Looks like it was reorganized. Try 23
18:56 < svenl> fjp: :)
18:57 < maks> Alphix: swap on lvm works fine for swsusp
18:58 < maks> ther is an issue on initramfs-tools if your root is not lvm but
your swap is it will not activate the swap
18:58 < svenl> hi maks :)
18:58 < maks> need to fix that soon, as it is biting me.
18:58 < svenl> maks: i suppose you have an /hilight on both maks and macs :)
18:58 < maks> hello svenl: no i was just around the korner :)
18:59 < Alphix> maks: ah...good to know...it's not an issue for
partman-auto-lvm though, since root and swap will be in the same vg
18:59 < svenl> fjp: nope, it only mentions the web method, maybe i should
contribute an entry once i read a few mana pages.
18:59 <+fjp> Then the info was deleted :-(
19:00 <+fjp> You could try the history
19:01 < svenl> yep.
19:01 < svenl> will provide a patch later today.
19:02 < svenl> err, i guess wiki changes are not qualified as patch though.
19:02 < maks> Alphix: indeed boils down to check for vg of swap
19:02 < Alphix> maks: and if we wanted to fix swap-on-lvm-on-different-vg, the
resume script would need to check for a resume=/dev/mapper/* path and if so,
                do a vgchange -ay <swapvg>?
19:02 < maks> Alphix: better want it fixed in the lvm script
19:03 < maks> as it should not be an issue if !lvm
19:04 < Alphix> maks: okey, will perhaps take a look at it later...not a
priority for my partman-auto-* work right now though
19:04 < maks> Alphix: ack
19:04 < svenl> fjp: about the svn commit access, is it ok with you if i define
an alias of some kind which does a svn diff | mutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] like i
               did with the other trivial bug ?
19:06 <+fjp> svenl: As long as you add sufficient explanation of why the patch
is needed, if it was tested and so on that's fine. Also you should of course
             not file a new BR if the patch is intended to solve an existing
19:07 <+fjp> svenl: Normal BTS usage rules really...
19:08 < svenl> fjp: would be easier if you restored svn commit.
19:08  * fjp is not going to discuss that.
19:08 < svenl> i will have to write some kind of script which takes as arg a
subject and what i would have added as svn log commit.
19:09 < svenl> fjp: damn, i forgot the smiley, let's try it again.
19:09 < svenl> fjp: would be easier if you restored svn commit. :)
19:09 < svenl> (was not going to discuss it, but to make a friendly joke).
19:09 < svenl> for me, if i do a svn-commit <subject> <log message> and it
files a bug report, that is nice.
19:10 <+fjp> svenl: It's not a funny joke if it's repeated too often.
19:10 < svenl> i can even parse the log message for some Close: lines, and
file the bug report.
19:10 < svenl> fjp: once is too often ?
19:10 < svenl> fjp: i mean, i am seriously bitter about this, and previous
incarnation of that discussions where indeed rant.
19:10 < Alphix> svenl: perhaps a wrapper to quilt? I often use quilt to juggle
a number of patches for a repo which I can't/won't commit to
19:10 < svenl> fjp: but i am in a good mode today, so i joke about it.
19:11 < svenl> Alphix: ah, that is another solution. i know shell already,
while quilt i would have to learn though.
19:11 <+fjp> svenl: You have been asking for restore of commit access for the
last 4 weeks, so it's not the first time.
19:12  * svenl is hoping to wear fjp down by pointing out the exceeding
ridiculness of the whole issue, though, so i am no more going to rant about it
19:13 < svenl> fjp: so, you want to put me in a bad-mood again, and that we
restart a dispute and flamewar ?
19:13 < svenl> fjp: i mean, do you think i find it funny that i have to go
through hopes to fix a d-i bug ?
19:13 <+fjp> svenl: If you put me in a bad mood, you'll never get commit
access back. Think about that.
19:13 < svenl> fjp: so, please, you have no right.
19:14 < svenl> fjp: can i quote you publicly ?
19:14 -!- zinosat [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
19:14 < svenl> hi zinosat
19:14 < zinosat> hi svenl
19:14 <+fjp> I have every fucking right. You're now on /ignore.

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