Dear kFreeBSD porters, dear kFreeBSD users,

the Release Team is currently wondering if it makes sense to release with
kFreeBSD as a regular stable architecture with squeeze.  It might be that
it is not yet up to the standards of a regular Debian release as it might
not contain everything that's expected by users.

So, what do you think is still missing?  What would we need to communicate
as a disclaimer to the users if releasing kFreeBSD in this state?  

If it's not entirely up to our standards, would a separate suite, like it
has been done in the past for sarge-amd64 and etch-m68k, help having some
sort of release that can be updated independently from the main stable
release?  Such a suite could also be useful to land larger changes than
normally allowed for stable.

Or do you think we should skip this release?  (But keep it in testing, of

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern

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