See also the problem with SCSI disks I reported:

I think it could prevent install on any SCSI disk, seems like a very
serious problem. I would help, but I wouldn't know where to start, the
installer internals get me confused.

On 8/4/10, Axel Beckert <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Tuco wrote:
>> I think as a desktop it's still inmature but as a server it's very
>> usable and has wonderful capabilities in storage area thanks to ZFS
>> (for example
> Yeah, thanks to Tuco we made big advances with usable ZFS support
> recently. Thanks! :-)
> But I also have to agree that there are still many more or less small
> but often very annoying issues, especially on the desktop, like:
> * gdm[1] and kdm[2] not getting a working keyboard with default X
>   config, but restarting them later (e.g. via ssh or by calling the
>   XDMCP chooser) makes the keyboard work (Yet another nasty HAL issue?
>   Race condition somewhere?)
>   [1]
>   [2]
> * konsole no more working with newer kfreebsd kernels:
> and
> * No bluetooth.
> * ALSA: Many ALSA dependent packages not working/building/available.
>   (There is a limited emulation layer called SALSA, but either many
>   packages don't work with it or nobody tried to get them working with
>   it. Not sure how many unfixed bugs because of this are still open.)
> * FUSE: fuse4bsd[3] hasn't been packaged yet, therefore most fuse based
>   packages are uninstallable. (For luck the upstream website
>   is back again, was replaced by some advertising portal or so for
>   some weeks.) Last commit[4] 17 months ago, last release June 2007.
>   [3]
>   [4]
>   More on that in a seperate mail to debian-...@l.d.o.
> Some smaller issues I noticed only happening on kfreebsd, but haven't
> tracked them down (probably no bug report yet either, partially also
> affects servers):
> * Emacs 23 via remote X doesn't work. No idea why yet.
> * aptitude segfaults approximately every second or third call. (That's
>   much better than months ago where I was used to start aptitude with
>   "until aptitude; do sleep 0.1; done")
> * IPv6 support and some other stuff[4] in the /sbin/route wrapper is
>   missing. I do have that on my todo list, but not with top priority.
>   [4]
> There are probably more of that kind, but those are the ones I
> remember at the moment.
>> > If it's not entirely up to our standards, would a separate suite, like
>> > it
>> > has been done in the past for sarge-amd64 and etch-m68k, help having
>> > some
>> > sort of release that can be updated independently from the main stable
>> > release?  Such a suite could also be useful to land larger changes than
>> > normally allowed for stable.
> Sounds like an fallback in case we don't get close to a releasable
> state. At least I do have good memories(*) about using sarge-amd64, so
> that's IMHO an option which should both, not affect the "normal"
> release, but is still very close to the normal release. I.e. we do
> have a more or less fixed state, so nobody who likes to try kfreebsd
> does have to use rolling releases (i.e. testing/unstable). And being
> close to the release even if not officially part of the release will
> get us far more kfreebsd users than just kicking it out short before
> the release.
> (*) I'm writing this mail on a machine which started out as
>     sarge-amd64 and never needed a reinstallation since then, just
>     dist-upgrades as I'm used from Debian. :-)
>> > Or do you think we should skip this release?  (But keep it in testing,
>> > of
>> > course.)
> If we don't release it normal with Squeeze, I'd at least release it
> like sarge-amd64, but definitely not do nothing (i.e. skip the
> release).
>               Regards, Axel
> --
>  ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
> : :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
> `. `'   |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE
>   `-    |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
> --
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