Thank you for responding, I do appreciate it.
> That's odd.  Does /run or /var/run exist?
> $ ls -ald /run /var/run

Yes, the /run directory exists. The /var/run directory is a symbolic
link back to /run. Here is a directory listing of /run. As you can see
it is populated with a collection of small files.

rwxr-xr-x 2 root root   3 Oct 31 22:34 apache2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   5 Oct 31 15:18
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   5 Oct 31 22:34
---------- 1 root root   0 Oct 29 19:05 crond.reboot
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  34 Oct 31 22:34 dovecot
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root   3 Oct 30 22:50 lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 164 Oct 31 22:34 motd.dynamic
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4 Oct 31 16:18 network
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   5 Oct 31 22:34
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   3 Oct 31 22:34 sendsigs.omit.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   2 Oct 29 23:47 sshd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   5 Oct 31 22:34
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp   0 Oct 29 19:02 utmp
prw-r----- 1 root adm    0 Oct 29 19:05 xconsole

I've found if I create the file /run/initctl  (touch /run/initctl) then
the error message goes away, but I still cannot shutdown or reboot the
system. Running "reboot", for example, simply shows me a fresh command
prompt. If the file does not exist, then I get the following:

# reboot
WARNING: could not determine runlevel - doing soft reboot
 (it's better to use shutdown instead of reboot from the command line)
shutdown: /run/initctl: No such file or directory
init: /run/initctl: No such file or directory

The same error appears when running "shutdown" or "init". I find initctl
is written to when it exists. The file grows to about 500 bytes and
contains only binary data.

> Does the output of `mount` show that a tmpfs is mounted on /run?
> Are there many files inside /run?  .pid files and such?
The /run directory appears to be mounted as part of the root (/) file
system. It does not have its own mount point. Should I create one? I
feel I should mention I'm running kFreeBSD in a virtual environment to
test it. The root file system is ZFS and everything is attached as part
of the ZFS pool.

> Which initsystem(s) do you have installed, and their versions?
> e.g. output of:
> $ dpkg -l sysv-rc file-rc openrc

Running the dpkg command shows the following:

un  file-rc          <none>        <none>        (no description available)
ii  sysv-rc          2.88dsf-53.4  all           System-V-like runlevel
change mechanis
dpkg-query: no packages found matching openrc

To insure all the sysv init files were in place I ran "apt-get install
sysvinit sysvinit-utils sysvinit-core" and apt-get confirmed all three
packages are already installed on my system.

> You may also find clues in the boot messages;  after the kernel
> messages (in bold text) and before any the graphical display manager
> starts.
So far I haven't found anything in the log that looks like an error or
warning about init or initctl. This is a relatively minor issue at the
moment as I can send the VM a shutdown signal and kill kFreeBSD cleanly
that way, but it would be nice to get shutdown/reboot working from the
command line. It was working when I was running pure kFreeBSD "wheezy",
the problems with shutdown only appeared following the upgrade. Tonight
I hope to try a clean install of "jessie" to see if it makes a difference.

Thanks again,

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