On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 12:59:42PM +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> > Looks like the main problem is keepass2.
> >
> > boogie - RFA, not in testing
> > dafny - RFA, not in testing
> > de4dot - dead upstream
> > gbrainy - not in testing
> > gnome-subtitles - not in testing
> > keepass2 - looks healthy upstream and in Debian
> > openmcdf - outdated in Debian but looks healthy upstream
> > quickroute-gps - unmaintained, there is some upstream activity
> > repetier-host - not in testing
> > smuxi - orphaned
> > xsddiagram - orphaned
> [..]
> > Overall, this doesn't look like a lot of work, *if* we decide to do it
> > (and we can file RM bugs for many broken and unmaintained leaf packages in
> > any case).
> Maybe we should at least remove packages like gtk-sharp3, which was
> removed from testing in September. I'm guessing the maintainers are
> long gone.
> gbrainy would need to go away with gtk-sharp3.
> And then we can see about other orphaned and dead users?

So we've now filed many RM bugs and some bugs for removing CLI
subpackages, after all of this is done I think we will have only the

- mono (duh)
- leaf packages that are healthy and somewhat useful:
  - keepass2 ("Password manager")
  - openmcdf ("Structured Storage Explorer")
  - de4dot (".NET deobfuscator and unpacker")
  - smuxi ("Engine libraries for Smuxi (IRC, Twitter, XMPP, Campfire,
  - quickroute-gps ("GPS analysis software for getting your route on the
- deps of those:
  - dnlib (de4dot)
  - nini (smuxi)
  - log4net (smuxi, quickroute-gps)
  - hexbox (openmcdf); also builds an app subpackage which doesn't look useful
Next ones to remove?:
- gnome-subtitles ("Subtitle editor for the GNOME Desktop environment");
  RC buggy
- repetier-host ("host controller for RepRap style 3D printers"); see
- opentk; dep of repetier-host, see below
- cecil; dep of opentk, RC-buggy


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