On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 11:28:30 +0100 Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:

> Package: apt-listbugs
> Version: 0.1.6
> Severity: normal

Hi Francesco,
thanks for your bug report!

> This is the preferences contents:
> ----
> Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs at Tue Mar 13 22:59:46 +0100 2012
> Package: libmysqlclient
> Pin: version *
> Pin-Priority: -30000
> ----
> Running /etc/cron.daily/apt-listbugs gives the following error: 
> E: comando sconosciuto 'libmysqlclient'.

This issue seems to be caused by the pinning for libmysqlclient, which
has an "Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs [...]" line (which makes it
recognized as a pin managed by apt-listbugs), but no "Explanation:
#nnnnnn: [...]" line.
Hence, it's not clear which is the bug (or which are the bugs) that
made you decide to pin the package.
Did you tamper with /etc/apt/preferences manually?
To work around the bug, please either

  (A) discard the "Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs [...]" line from
the libmysqlclient pin stanza: after doing this, that stanza will be
out of apt-listbugs jurisdiction and you will have to manage the
libmysqlclient pinning manually (since it won't be automatically
discarded by /etc/cron.daily/apt-listbugs)


  (B) add at least one "Explanation:  #nnnnnn: [...]" line to the
libmysqlclient pin stanza: you should specify which bug(s) made you
decide to pin libmysqlclient (that is to say, "the bug(s) that you
fear"): after doing this, /etc/cron.daily/apt-listbugs should be able
again to automatically manage this pin stanza

All that said, I acknowledge that what you found seems to be indeed a
bug in apt-listbugs.
Most probably, /usr/share/apt-listbugs/aptcleanup (or maybe
/usr/share/apt-listbugs/debian/apt_preferences.rb) should be made
more robust, so that it may handle these cases without spitting out
errors and giving up in despair!

I will try to reproduce the bug and see how it can be fixed.
I hope to find the time soon...   :-/

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