On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 17:27:10 +0200, Arno Töll wrote:

> It was discovered, wicd in any version supported by Debian (i.e. stable,
> testing and unstable) yields to local privilege escalation by injecting
> arbitrary code through the DBus interface due to incomplete input
> sanitation.
> I've briefly verified offending code against the Squeeze and Sid version
> of the package but I didn't try to reproduce the steps to exploit wicd.
> As far as I know there is no upstream fix available.

JFTR: it would've been MUCH nicer if the student who found this bug contacted
me, as wicd upstream, beforehand. Now I must rush not to make all boxes out
there running wicd rootable. Nice.

Thanks very much for your report Arno, will take all the necessary steps to
fix it.


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