Nestor Lopez Casado wrote:

> Would you be able to test the following patch on both systems and let
> us know about the result?

Instructions for Hugo:

        # prerequisites
        apt-get install git build-essential

        # get the kernel history, if you don't already have it
        git clone \

        # latest mainline kernel
        cd linux
        git fetch origin
        git checkout origin/master

        # configure
        cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config; # current configuration
        scripts/config --disable DEBUG_INFO; # smaller build
        make localmodconfig; # minimize configuration

        # apply patch
        git apply --index /path/to/patch

        # build
        make deb-pkg; # optionally with -j<num> for parallel build

        # test
        dpkg -i ../<name of package>; # as root

        # to unapply patch:
        cd linux
        git reset --hard origin/master

        # when you want to build again:
        make deb-pkg; # maybe with -j4
        dpkg -i ../<name of package>; # as root

I would also be interested in a capture of the pairing event, if possible:

        (remove mouse battery or bring mouse out of range)
        mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
        ls /sys/kernel/debug/hid/
        modprobe -r hid_logitech_dj
        modprobe hid_logitech_dj
        cat /sys/kernel/debug/hid/<device name>/events >events.captured
        (insert mouse battery or bring mouse within range)


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