
At ZNC we have an own string class CString, which is inherited from
The goal is to use it as a just string in target languages.

How to do that properly?

When I was writing modperl and modpython ZNC modules, I used an approach
described at
Used "swig -E" on std_string.i, got a long file as a result, cleaned it
up and changed all occurences of std::string to CString.
It worked fine before SWIG 2.0.5, but in 2.0.5 it started to give errors
while generating sources for modpython:

/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(directorout) std::pair< CString,CString > = std::pair< CString,CString
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap (in)
std::pair< CString,CString > *INPUT = std::pair< CString,CString > *INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap (in)
std::pair< CString,CString > &INPUT = std::pair< CString,CString > &INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(typecheck) std::pair< CString,CString > *INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > *INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(typecheck) std::pair< CString,CString > &INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > &INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(argout) std::pair< CString,CString > *OUTPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > *INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(argout) std::pair< CString,CString > &OUTPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > &INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(typecheck) std::pair< CString,CString > *INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > *INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(typecheck) std::pair< CString,CString > &INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > &INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(freearg) std::pair< CString,CString > *INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > *INOUT
/usr/share/swig/2.0.6/std/std_pair.i:31: Error: Can't copy typemap
(freearg) std::pair< CString,CString > &INPUT = std::pair<
CString,CString > &INOUT

Sending copy of the letter to 672...@bugs.debian.org
Also there is related issue #174 on github/znc.

Best regards,
Alexey "DarthGandalf" Sokolov

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