Le lundi 28 mai 2012 20:34:55, Olivier Andrieu a écrit :
> Hi guys,
> thanks for the patches, I've committed the fix for the META file and
> I've made a new tarball release (0.9.0).

Hi Olivier,

I've found a typo in "ocamlsdl-0.9.0/src/sdlevent_stub.c",
here is a patch.

diff -Naur ocamlsdl-0.9.0.orig/src/sdlevent_stub.c ocamlsdl-0.9.0/src/sdlevent_stub.c
--- ocamlsdl-0.9.0.orig/src/sdlevent_stub.c	2011-04-10 17:33:52.000000000 +0200
+++ ocamlsdl-0.9.0/src/sdlevent_stub.c	2012-06-07 22:06:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
     r = alloc_small(4, 0);
     Field(r, 0) = Val_int(evt.jball.which);
     Field(r, 1) = Val_int(evt.jball.ball);
-    Field(r, 3) = Val_int(evt.jball.xrel);
+    Field(r, 2) = Val_int(evt.jball.xrel);
     Field(r, 3) = Val_int(evt.jball.yrel);
     v = alloc_small(1, 7);
     Field(v, 0) = r;

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