El 26/06/12 17:36, Benoît Knecht wrote:
> I took a look at your package:
First of all, thanks for your quick answer :-)
>   - Since you're packaging a snapshot version, you should adjust your
>     watch file accordingly:
>       Processing watchfile line for package grive...
>       Newest version on remote site is 0.1.1, local version is 
> 0.1.1+20120619git27g55c0f4e
>       grive: remote site does not even have current version
The upstream authors doesn't have this version available as tarball for
download, I had to create the tarball myself. The main differences
between the 0.1.1 stable version and this git commit is only about the
construct system: I have made some suggestions and they included it in
the repository after the 0.1.1 release. I don't know how to write a
watch file for downloading a specific commit from a git repository. Is
it possible?
>   - It seems like all the source files of Grive are released under the
>     GPL-2, and not GPL-2+ (according to the license headers in those
>     files). You should correct that in debian/copyright, and using the
>     same formulation as in the license headers seems like a good idea.
>     The license for the debian/* files is said to be GPL-2+, but in the
>     license paragraph it refers to the GPL-3.
>     I couldn't find Matchman Green's name in any of the source files;
>     are you sure they're one of the copyright holders?
Corrected the license issues (upstream to GPL-2, debian/* to GPL-3).
Matchman Green was the original upstream author when I began to follow
this project, but my e-mails and "real" contact with the project was
made through the other author: Nestal Wan. I will contact upstream again
and ask about this.
>   - debian/README.Debian should be debian/README.source, although I
>     would argue it doesn't contain any useful information at the moment.
You are right: it doesn't contain any useful information. I think it is
a "legacy" file from the templates that I have written at the beginning
of the times :-)
>   - In debian/control, the Vcs-Git field is intended for the packaging,
>     not the upstream repository; if you don't have a public git
>     repository for the Debian packaging, remove that line.
Ok, I have it on github, modified.
>     The long description could be improved; please have a look at [1].
>     [1] 
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html#bpp-pkg-desc
>     Please run wrap-and-sort from the devscripts package to have the
>     Build-Depends field wrapped and sorted (and use ">= 9" for
>     debhelper).
Do you mean ">=9" instead ">=9.0.0"? If it is, modified in that way.

>   - Why do you override the hardening-no-fortify-functions lintian
>     warning? If you have a good reason to do so, you should explain it
>     in a comment in debian/grive.lintian-overrides.
I asked in debian-devel and in hardening-wrapper mailing lists about
that. I had this warning and, after checking with hardeining-check I saw
a possible problematic "read" unsafe call. I find it on the upstream
sources and see that it is safe to link against read instead read_chk,
because the always read the "sizeof" the reserved buffer. I will add a
comment about that.

>   - Grive includes a test suite, but it isn't built nor run.
I used their CMakeLists.txt without any patch or hack. I will ask them
about it and study the viability of adding to the Debian package
generation script and the way to do so.
>   - In the grive(1) man page, you should end each item in the
>     DESCRIPTION with punctuation.
>     Mentioning that Grive is "for GNU/Linux systems" doesn't seem very
>     useful; the person reading the man page is most likely doing so from
>     such a system already.
>     Grive shouldn't be italicized (.I) in the DESCRIPTION.
>     Please consider removing the AUTHOR section (see man-pages(7) for
>     details). Also, the REPORT BUGS section should be called BUGS, but I
>     think it should be removed too, as Debian users should use the
>     Debian BTS anyway.
> Cheers,
The man page will be replaced as soon as upstream release their new
version, because they added this manpage as pull request on their
repository. I will try to convince them to change again the manpage. I
think they probably will want to keep the AUTHORS and REPORT BUG
sections (my fault), but it can be removed as quilt parch when they
release the new version.

I have seen man-pages(7) and I will remove from the package the AUTHORS
and REPORT BUG sections. I will study the new circumstances with their
man page when it arrives.

Only a question: do I need to update the debian-version number for each
revision or I only have to update it when it is at debian archives?

Best regards and thanks again.

José Luis Segura Lucas

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