El 27/06/12 12:48, Benoît Knecht escribió:
> I just meant that you should use something like opts=dversionmangle (see
> uscan(1)) so that uscan would remove the "+20120619git27g55c0f4e" part
> before comparing the debian version with the upstream one. But if you're
> not going to package snapshot versions on a regular basis, maybe that's
> not necessary.

Ok, I will take a look again that option of the watch file, I have never
seen before. I'll read carefully uscan man.
> Yeah, it seems best to discuss it with upstream. Regarding the GPL-3 for
> the packaging, since it's incompatible with the GPL-2, it would be much
> better if you agreed to GPL-2+ for debian/*; that way, the source
> package as a whole can be considered GPL-2.
I don't know if there is a reason behind their choice of GPL-2 instead
GPL-3... but I can ask them. If they prefer keeping on GPL-2, I can
accept GPL-2+ for debian/* if it simplifies the licensing issues of the
whole package.

> From a quick look at the CMakeLists.txt, it seems that cppunit needs to
> be installed in order for the test suite to be built (so I guess you
> should Build-Depend on libcppunit-dev). Not sure if it means a simple
> "make test" would run the test suite then; looks like you'd have to run
> "./unittest" by hand.
I have asked to upstream. Waiting their response about it, copyright holders 
and man page issues and keep you informed about all of these.

> You don't have to increase the debian version until it actually gets
> into the archive. Some people prefer to do so anyway, but that's
> essentially a matter of taste (just provide a link to the .dsc file
> every time you update the package). Seems to me that the common practice
> is to keep the same debian version throughout the RFS process though.

Ok, I agree with you. I will keep the same debian version.

Best regards

José Luis Segura Lucas

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