Patrick Winnertz, 2012-06-28 14:07+0200:
okay, which details do you want to have?
If I start latexila from cmd I've see basically no output there.

I understood that latexila failed to start 9 times over 10, so I duplicated your bug report into two:
#679376 - latexila fails to start
#679363 - latexila window can't be resized

However I was able to figure out some systematics in the behaviour.. to
illustrate that I've made several screenshots - think this is easier
than describing the issue with words.

Yes, I understand, however you sent that to the wrong bug. I understand the problem in #679363 and I shall try to reproduce it. With #679376 (the current one) however, I am unable to reproduce and I would need the output of latexila when it fails to start.

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo <> <irc://>
| `-'    Debian Developer

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