tags 286563 + patch


J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) @ 2004-12-21 (Tuesday), 06:29 (+0100)
> > It should be possible to safely upgrade Gnumeric while running.  Also,
> > although I realize this is an upstream architectural problem, fundamental
> > features such as saving your work should not be relegated to a "plugin".
> I'm sure upstream will be more than happy to critique any patches you have
> to "fix" this.

Why not solve the problem within debian if it is easier to do it there
than upstream?

The attached one line patch makes the bug go away, makes everyone happy
and I couldn't possibly think of any bad effects it could have. Would
you please consider adding it to the package?

set -e

/bin/ps -C gnumeric > /dev/null && ( echo "All instances of gnumeric should be 
stopped before upgrading it."; exit 1 )

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