
I'd like to get your approval about the upload of weechat 0.3.8-2wheezy1
to testing-proposed-updates in order to fix a security issue which could
permit to a remote attacker to crash weechat by forging malicious IRC
messages: http://bugs.debian.org/693026

As said in the bug report, A CVE ID has been requested, but not yet

This bug has already been fixed in unstable with the upload of weechat a few hours ago.

Attached is the diff.

Thanks for your replies.



Emmanuel Bouthenot
  mail: kolter@{openics,debian}.org    gpg: 4096R/0x929D42C3
  xmpp: kol...@im.openics.org          irc: kolter@{freenode,oftc}
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index e7a34cb..70a57d8 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+weechat (0.3.8-2wheezy1) testing-proposed-updates; urgency=high
+  * Add a patch to fix a crash while decoding IRC colors in strings. A remote
+  attacker could exploit this issue by forging malicious IRC messages
+  (Closes: #693026)
+ -- Emmanuel Bouthenot <kol...@debian.org>  Mon, 12 Nov 2012 00:14:24 +0100
 weechat (0.3.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
diff --git a/debian/patches/fix_crash_with_irc_colors b/debian/patches/fix_crash_with_irc_colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af95ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/fix_crash_with_irc_colors
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+From: Sebastien Helleu <flashc...@flashtux.org>
+Description: fix crash when decoding IRC colors in strings
+Origin: upstream, http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=weechat.git;a=commitdiff;h=80f477f2c37b46bafcde1a35660cf095a95a05c4
+Bug: http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?37704
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/693026
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2012-11-12
+--- a/src/plugins/irc/irc-color.c
++++ b/src/plugins/irc/irc-color.c
+@@ -62,13 +62,15 @@ char *irc_color_to_weechat[IRC_NUM_COLORS] =
+ char *
+ irc_color_decode (const char *string, int keep_colors)
+ {
+-    unsigned char *out, *ptr_string;
+-    int out_length, length, out_pos;
+-    char str_fg[3], str_bg[3], str_color[128], str_key[128];
++    unsigned char *out, *out2, *ptr_string;
++    int out_length, length, out_pos, length_to_add;
++    char str_fg[3], str_bg[3], str_color[128], str_key[128], str_to_add[128];
+     const char *remapped_color;
+     int fg, bg, bold, reverse, italic, underline, rc;
+     out_length = (strlen (string) * 2) + 1;
++    if (out_length < 128)
++        out_length = 128;
+     out = malloc (out_length);
+     if (!out)
+         return NULL;
+@@ -80,20 +82,27 @@ irc_color_decode (const char *string, int keep_colors)
+     ptr_string = (unsigned char *)string;
+     out[0] = '\0';
++    out_pos = 0;
+     while (ptr_string && ptr_string[0])
+     {
++        str_to_add[0] = '\0';
+         switch (ptr_string[0])
+         {
+             case IRC_COLOR_BOLD_CHAR:
+                 if (keep_colors)
+-                    strcat ((char *)out,
+-                            weechat_color((bold) ? "-bold" : "bold"));
++                {
++                    snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                              weechat_color ((bold) ? "-bold" : "bold"));
++                }
+                 bold ^= 1;
+                 ptr_string++;
+                 break;
+             case IRC_COLOR_RESET_CHAR:
+                 if (keep_colors)
+-                    strcat ((char *)out, weechat_color("reset"));
++                {
++                    snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                              weechat_color ("reset"));
++                }
+                 bold = 0;
+                 reverse = 0;
+                 italic = 0;
+@@ -106,22 +115,28 @@ irc_color_decode (const char *string, int keep_colors)
+             case IRC_COLOR_REVERSE_CHAR:
+             case IRC_COLOR_REVERSE2_CHAR:
+                 if (keep_colors)
+-                    strcat ((char *)out,
+-                            weechat_color((reverse) ? "-reverse" : "reverse"));
++                {
++                    snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                              weechat_color ((reverse) ? "-reverse" : "reverse"));
++                }
+                 reverse ^= 1;
+                 ptr_string++;
+                 break;
+             case IRC_COLOR_ITALIC_CHAR:
+                 if (keep_colors)
+-                    strcat ((char *)out,
+-                            weechat_color((italic) ? "-italic" : "italic"));
++                {
++                    snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                              weechat_color ((italic) ? "-italic" : "italic"));
++                }
+                 italic ^= 1;
+                 ptr_string++;
+                 break;
+             case IRC_COLOR_UNDERLINE_CHAR:
+                 if (keep_colors)
+-                    strcat ((char *)out,
+-                            weechat_color((underline) ? "-underline" : "underline"));
++                {
++                    snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                              weechat_color ((underline) ? "-underline" : "underline"));
++                }
+                 underline ^= 1;
+                 ptr_string++;
+                 break;
+@@ -194,22 +209,39 @@ irc_color_decode (const char *string, int keep_colors)
+                                       (bg >= 0) ? "," : "",
+                                       (bg >= 0) ? irc_color_to_weechat[bg] : "");
+                         }
+-                        strcat ((char *)out, weechat_color(str_color));
++                        snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                                  weechat_color (str_color));
+                     }
+                     else
+-                        strcat ((char *)out, weechat_color("resetcolor"));
++                    {
++                        snprintf (str_to_add, sizeof (str_to_add), "%s",
++                                  weechat_color ("resetcolor"));
++                    }
+                 }
+                 break;
+             default:
+                 length = weechat_utf8_char_size ((char *)ptr_string);
+                 if (length == 0)
+                     length = 1;
+-                out_pos = strlen ((char *)out);
+-                memcpy (out + out_pos, ptr_string, length);
+-                out[out_pos + length] = '\0';
++                memcpy (str_to_add, ptr_string, length);
++                str_to_add[length] = '\0';
+                 ptr_string += length;
+                 break;
+         }
++        if (str_to_add[0])
++        {
++            length_to_add = strlen (str_to_add);
++            if (out_pos + length_to_add >= out_length)
++            {
++                out_length *= 2;
++                out2 = realloc (out, out_length);
++                if (!out2)
++                    return (char *)out;
++                out = out2;
++            }
++            memcpy (out + out_pos, str_to_add, length_to_add + 1);
++            out_pos += length_to_add;
++        }
+     }
+     return (char *)out;
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..697c809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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