On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 07:38:15PM -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> There are several features and fixes.  I released #279 a few weeks before
> the current freeze began; however it was fairly large, and according to
> the package maintainer beyond his ability to inspect it.  Direct access
> to my source archives would not change that assessment, however I've long
> been cooperative about digesting changes to assist packagers in applying
> specific changes.

OK, so what is the overall upshot here?

I'd quite like to play around with the VT4xx column-based features
(DECSLRM, DECIC, DECDC) at least, and perhaps some of the other newer
features as well.

Is an updated version in debian likely soon, or would I be best to fetch
sources and build an updated version locally myself?

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

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