On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 20:33:06 -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 08:40:26PM +0100, Julien Cristau wrote:
> > I'm looking at 287, and have a problem with the desktop file:
> > 
> > ACTUAL_XTERM=`echo xterm|        sed 's,x,x,'` \
> >         /bin/sh -c 'for n in ../xterm.desktop ../uxterm.desktop; \
> >                 do /bin/sh df-install $ACTUAL_XTERM --vendor debian 
> > --dir=/XXX/pkg-xorg/app/xterm/debian/tmp/usr/share/applications $n; \
> >                 done'
> > --- ../xterm.desktop    2012-11-27 19:21:40.000000000 +0000
> > +++ tempdir29859/xterm.desktop  2012-11-27 19:27:14.000000000 +0000
> > @@ -37,6 +37,6 @@
> >  Exec=xterm
> >  Terminal=false
> >  Type=Application
> > -Encoding=UTF-8
> > -Icon=xterm-color_48x48
> > -Categories=System;TerminalEmulator;
> > +#Encoding=UTF-8
> > +Icon=xterm-color
> > +Categories=auto
> > xterm.desktop: warning: key "Categories" is a list and does not have a 
> > semicolon as trailing character, fixing
> > /home/julien/src/debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/app/xterm/debian/tmp/usr/share/applications/debian-xterm.desktop:
> >  error: value "auto;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" 
> > contains an unregistered value "auto"; values extending the format should 
> > start with "X-"
> > /home/julien/src/debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/app/xterm/debian/tmp/usr/share/applications/debian-xterm.desktop:
> >  error: (will be fatal in the future): value "auto;" for key "Categories" 
> > in group "Desktop Entry" does not contain a registered main category
> > Error on file "xterm.desktop": Failed to validate the created desktop file
> hmm - I assume I overlooked this due to the way I build my test package -
> on a machine which has one or more desktop environments installed.
> Mine has this (xterm-dev.desktop of course):
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=XTermDev
> #GenericName=Terminal
> Comment=standard terminal emulator for the X window system
> Exec=xterm-dev
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> #Encoding=UTF-8
> Icon=xterm-dev-color
> Categories=Application;System;TerminalEmulator;Utility;
> X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.15
> > I can probably work around this by setting the category explicitly, but
> > as far as I can tell, CF_WITH_DESKTOP_CATEGORY doesn't actually use $3
> > as a default value?
> doesn't seem that way - a quick check of the history doesn't show a
> change in usage for the parameter (though I may have had a different
> intent when starting to code this).
OK, I was confused by this comment:

dnl $3 = suggested categories, also a case-pattern but without wildcards,
dnl      since it doubles as a default value.

> It's only used in a case statement for "other" desktops that I hadn't seen
> and collected there, and doesn't directly affect the category.
> The macro's not that recent - is this a new bug, or just noticed one
> that existed last year?
cf-install.in changed in 280 to replace Categories.  In previous
versions the 'Categories=System;TerminalEmulator;' line in xterm.desktop
would have been left unmodified.


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