On 15.12.2012 04:06, Michael Biebl wrote:

> How does this exactly work? How does the iceweasel extension know that
> it should load libgnomekeyring.so whereas the icedove extension should
> load libgnomekeyring-icedove.so?

nvm, found it in the mean time: the chrome.manifest maps the libraries
to the corresponding apps by using the app-id.

> Just for fun, I've installed 0.6.6-1 and rm'ed
> libgnomekeyring-icedove.so, but icedove still started without errors and
> the extension seems to work without issues. What is this library then
> good for?

Actually this a was a red herring. I still had the password in the
icedove-internal keyring, that's why I still could login successfully.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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