On 22.01.2013 17:11, intrigeri wrote:
> Control: tag 679105 + patch
> Hi,
> I could reproduce #679105, #672336, #680277 and #682673 with cairo
> 1.12.2-2 from Wheezy, using the sample PDF files provided by
> the submitters.
> I could reproduce none of these bugs with cairo built with the
> attached patches.
> Dear maintainer, what do you think of bumping these bugs' severity to
> important, and gently asking the release team if they would be happy
> to grant a freeze exception to fix this in Wheezy? (Note that the
> changes don't satisfy the current freeze policy, so insisting would
> not be in order :)

Fwiw, I'd like to see those fixes get into wheezy. And it is definitely
worth a try, getting it unblocked. Especially since those targetted
patches address issues which are regressions compared to squeeze.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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