Hello Roland,

   I just noticed that this bug report was concerning magic-7.5.  In
that case, you will probably need the file scmos/Makefile from the
magic-8.0 distribution (attached), because it has the other
corrections that are needed to avoid stripping backslashes in the

   Please let me know what works, and I will correct the distribution
source code.

| Dr. R. Timothy Edwards (Tim)   | email: t...@opencircuitdesign.com    |
| Open Circuit Design, Inc.      | web:   http://opencircuitdesign.com |
| 22815 Timber Creek Lane        | phone: (301) 528-5030               |
| Clarksburg, MD 20871-4001      | cell:  (240) 401-0616               |
#                     MOSIS distribution Version 8.2
# The intent in magic version 7.2 was to convert all the "c" style
# files to m4.  However, given the number of files, and the fact that
# they are out of date and should all be replaced anyway, this doesn't
# seem to be worth the effort.  Therefore, some trivial things (like
# minimum.tech) have been converted to m4 and the rest have been left
# alone.


include ${MAGICDIR}/defs.mak

SC_M4 = ${M4}
SC_CPP = ${CPP} -I./extract_template

FILES = mos.7bit.dstyle mos.7bit.std.cmap \
        mos.24bit.dstyle mos.24bit.std.cmap \
        mos.7bit.mraster_dstyle mos.7bit.mraster.cmap \
        mos.OpenGL.dstyle mos.OpenGL.std.cmap
TECHFILES = minimum.tech gdsquery.tech scmos.tech scmos-tm.tech \
        scmos-sub.tech scmosWR.tech

CIFin   = cif_template/objs/CIFin
CIFout  = cif_template/objs/CIFout
ICIFin  = cif_template/objs/IBMCIFin
ICIFout = cif_template/objs/IBMCIFout
HCIFin  = cif_template/objs/TMCIFin
HCIFout = cif_template/objs/TMCIFout
SCIFin  = cif_template/objs/SUBCIFin
SCIFout = cif_template/objs/SUBCIFout

OBJS =$(CIFin) $(CIFout) $(HCIFin) $(HCIFout) $(SCIFin) $(SCIFout)

DEPEND = scmos.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt26b-sub.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt060_orb.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt080.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt100.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt34.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExt14b-sub.tech.in \
                extract_template/scmosExtDiag.tech.in \


install-tcl: all
        for i in ${FILES} ${TECHFILES}; do \
                ${CP} $$i $(DESTDIR)${SYSDIR}; done

install: all
        for i in ${FILES} ${TECHFILES}; do \
                ${CP} $$i $(DESTDIR)${SYSDIR}; done

scmos.tech: $(OBJS)
        sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/' scmos.tech.in > scmos.tech.out
        $(SC_CPP) -DV5 -DSTANDARD scmos.tech.out > scmos.tech
        $(RM) scmos.tech.out

scmos-tm.tech: $(OBJS)
        sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/' scmos.tech.in > scmos.tech.out
        $(SC_CPP) -DV5 -DHPTECH -DTIGHTMETAL scmos.tech.out > scmos-tm.tech
        $(RM) scmos.tech.out

scmos-sub.tech: $(OBJS)
        sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/' scmos.tech.in > scmos.tech.out
        $(SC_CPP) -DV5 -DSUBMICRON scmos.tech.out > scmos-sub.tech
        $(RM) scmos.tech.out

scmosWR.tech: $(OBJS)
        sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/' scmos.tech.in > scmos.tech.out
        $(SC_CPP) -DV5 -DSTANDARD -DWELL_ROUTE_CHECK scmos.tech.out > 
        $(RM) scmos.tech.out

minimum.tech: minimum.tech.m4
        $(SC_M4) minimum.tech.m4 > minimum.tech

gdsquery.tech: gdsquery.tech.m4
        $(SC_M4) gdsquery.tech.m4 > gdsquery.tech

        cd cif_template; ${MAKE} clean; ${MAKE};

        cp $* $(DESTDIR)${SYSDIR}/$*

        -rm -f *.tech *.tech27
        cd cif_template && ${MAKE} clean;

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