On Tue 02 Apr 2013 08:54:58 Manuel Schmidt escribió:
> Hello thx to your repley

> "Nothing in "man cp" guarantees that
> the file has been copied to the disk when the command exits."
> i know that there is no guarantees but at the bash normaly when the prompt
> comes back, the command is fineshed or? which in this case isn't

There are still other buffers for I/O (kernel side, IIRC). So you must 
*always* unmount a device before pulling it out.

> Couldn't this make bad behaivors when i write for example bash scripts
> which makes further actions with the file?

No, see above. You can always flush the device to try to sync it, but it's 
still not guaranteed.

> I'm a little bit curios that you don't see that kde and cp is showing that
> they have fineshed the file but it isn't. I think this behaivor wasn't in
> the last two stables (maybe i had luck?) but i never used some unmount or
> save remove.There was no need do it., ok i can do it now. 

You were lucky, just that. 

> If i unmount
> there is an error when its coping what is more or less ok: "Unmount
> failed: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote
> application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked
> the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was
> broken." but at the kde eject there is no feedback, you can not say is it
> now unmounted or not.

Well, both konqueror nor dolphin (which is the recommended file manager 
nowadays) shows a bar under the device with the amount of disk space used when 
it's mounted. If you right the device you can unmount it ("Safely remove...")  
and the bar dissapears.

> "I think it would be nice to have a progress bar that
> would show the actual data transfer."

There is, if you are using KDE and plasma. I think it's trough dbus, so maybe 
it works in Gnome too.

> But if it is at those both are not showing the correct state, doesn't that
> mean that this will be at any data copying over usb?. So it's something
> more generall then konquer? (which i do not use, i use Dolphin)

The correct state is being shown, so I don't see a problem here.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Some consider UNIX to be the second most important invention to come out
of AT&T Bell Labs after the transistor.
  Dennis Ritchie, creator of the C programming language and co-creator of UNIX

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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