
> "I think it would be nice to have a progress bar that
> would show the actual data transfer."
>There is, if you are using KDE and plasma. I think it's trough dbus, so maybe 
>it works in Gnome too.

Thats the point there is and its fine but its wrong for fat usb devices, i 
tested it now for cp because its easier to stop the time but its at this 
progress bar from kde the same
So i copied a file with 1,5GB and the copy progress is "finished in 55sec" 
(command prompt comes back) but it isn't, you see that they device is still 
working for another 30sec (i have gkrellm where you see the datarate to 
devices) and in this time you can not unmount the device you get the error i 
posted in my last message. So kde and cp are showing a wrong state of coping 
file to fat usb devices. 

> But if it is at those both are not showing the correct state, doesn't that
> mean that this will be at any data copying over usb?. So it's something
> more generall then konquer? (which i do not use, i use Dolphin)

>The correct state is being shown, so I don't see a problem here.

you tried it? for fat usb devices?

best regards

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