Package xul-ext-timeline
notfound 0.4.2-2

Hi Guido, hi *,

> the extension is pretty useless without lightning so it should declare
> that in it's install.rdf:
>     <em:requires>
>       <Description>
>         <!-- Lightning -->
>         <em:id>{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}</em:id>
>         <em:minVersion>0.9</em:minVersion>
>         <em:maxVersion>1.*</em:maxVersion>
>       </Description>
>     </em:requires>
> See:
> for more information.
the tag <em:requires> is obsolete / not longer supported and in fact it
is ignored by icedove (i tested it with a non resolvable dependency but
timeline still works). This is also documented on 

A dependency to iceowl / iceowl-extension is declared in the package
(as soon as #705918 is fixed) so this should work for the most cases.

Best wishes,

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