Control: forcemerge -1 712191

On Fri, 2013-06-14 at 23:44 +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> As discussed previously, support for i386/amd basd devices (I have the QNAP 
> TS-569 Pro)
> would be nice.

Why are you filing this as a new bug? You can follow up to an existing
bug by writing to I have merged the previous bug
with this one.

> It seems that many of the newer QNAPs have Atom CPUs, especially all of the 
> more
> professional ones, so I guess this is crucial for qcontrol.
> I compiled qcontrol on amd64 (which works),... but then not much happens.
> The init-script won't work already, as there is no "Hardware" in 
> /proc/cpuinfo at all
> (using Debian sid).

Is there any way (via /proc or /sys) to distinguish the different x86
QNAP platforms?

> Staring the daemon manually (qcontrol -d) leads also to nothing (but $?=0) 
> the same
> for -f.
> Any ideas?

Which qcontrol.conf did you use? You will need one for your platform.
You may also need to author a supporting C module for your platform
(which is the loaded by qcontrol.conf).

See ts219.c and friends (ts41x.c etc) for existing examples of the
supporting C modules. There is a lot of redundancy in these modules,
which I intend to look at one day.

> There doesn't seem to be that gpio_keys module, or any such device in 
> /dev/input.

This is a platform specific driver on ARM. I'm not sure it is so common
to use gpio in this way on x86 platforms so it is possible that the
buttons etc are exposed differently. If they were using GPIO for it then
you would need to write a suitable platform specific driver.

You'll probably need to examine the stock firmware to see how this works
on your x86 platform. Or you could try asking qnap via their forums.

> Some further notes:
> I was already able to manually set the LCD display (A125), and the UART 
> command strings
> used there seem to be the same as they're used in the a125.c of qcontrol.
> But I have no idea on how to get the LEDs, buttons, etc. pp. running.... any 
> ideas?

LEDs on the ARM platforms are controlled by the PIC. Do you know if the
x86 versions have the same one or even if they have one at all? You may
need to look into the qnap kernel drivers to figure it out.

Buttons relates to the gpio_keys question above.

It sounds like the LCD could work if you just wrote a qcontrol.conf
which loaded that module and didn't fumble over the other two things.

> One further note... the fan seems to be controllable through plain the 
> fancontrol package,
> and it seems to support much more steps than just the 4 or 5 that we know 
> from qcontrol.
> So maybe it's a good idea to put responsibility on fan control into 
> fancontrol.

Being an x86 platform I expect it uses the usual x86 mechanisms for
fancontrol and not the custom PIC used on ARM. If fancontrol works then
I suggest you use fancontrol.

> I'm happy to do any testing,... but don't quite know where to start.

I'm afraid this is probably going to involve more than testing on your
part. Likely it will involve some investigation of the stock firmware
(and some simple reverse engineering) and a bit of coding. I can try and
offer general advice but I don't have any knowledge about the x86
versions of qnap's hardware (nor am I particularly motivated to find out
about them). You might find it useful to try and get in contact with
QNAP to see if they can describe e.g. how the buttons are wired up on


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