[this time with bdo in the cc]


You're using "git archive" to make a tarball:

Thomas Goirand schreef op za 13-07-2013 om 22:07 [+0800]:
> git archive --prefix=$(DEBPKGNAME)-$(GIT_TAG)/ $(GIT_TAG) \
>         | xz >../$(DEBPKGNAME)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.xz ;

...but that is not how Python packages for release on PyPI are made.

> In what way the release tarball differ from the source on github?

The release tarball is made using "python setup.py sdist", which gathers
metadata and includes relevant files in a tarball, in such a way that
tools like pip can later "pip install $PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz". The
included files may or may not match what is kept in version control,
e.g. a tarball may contain generated files not kept in version control.

An illustrative example would be my Plyvel project (which is not related
to HappyBase in any way). The released tarballs contain C and C++ code
generated by Cython, while only the Cython sources are under version

    — Wouter

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