Hi Vincent,

Thanks for the review! Questions & comments below:

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom!
> Glad to see you are working on this package.
> debian/control: why do you depend explicitely on such a version of GCC?
> The README states gcc 4.7+ but your version excludes GCC as in Wheezy.

I chose to use the version that I built with (though in retrospect I
don't think I should've had that tilde in there), thinking that if
it's in testing now it should be readily available on unstable, but I
didn't think about wheezy.

I've updated the Build-Depends to look like this:

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), gcc (>= 4.7.0~) ...

> debian/copyright: just to let you know that it is usually easier to use
> the same license for debian/* than for the package. For example, this
> would allow upstream to pick your eventual patches without having having
> a license conflict. But this is not a necessity.

Ah, of course -- I've changed it to 2-clause BSD.

> capnproto-doc.docs, capnproto-doc.install, capnproto.install have some
> odd contents. For .install, it would be the first time I see a directory
> without a wildcard in it. Maybe this works but this seems unusual to me.

Hm. I don't create a separate -doc package -- is this necessary for
landing this package? If not, I'd be inclined to remove the *-doc.*
files all together.

FWIW, the only docs available in the upstream package is a brief
README (at least in the latest release tarball) & the only docs
available for this package atm is the manpage I wrote for the capnp

I actually got the directory-without-a-wildcard thing from the protobuf package:

  tom@desktop:~/Source/protobuf-2.4.1$ cat debian/protobuf-compiler.install

Seems to work fine, but I can change it if it's at odds with the usual style.

> README.source content is bogus too, remove it.


> In debian/rules, remove the comments saying this is a sample. This is no
> longer a sample.

Also done.

> In C++, the symbols file will change depending on the
> architecture. Therefore, you should use demangled names by using
> c++filt. See:  https://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles

I followed the instructions on the wiki page, but there still seems to
be some mangled names in the symbols file, e.g. the first few lines

 (c++)"_ZN2kj10StringTree6concatIJNS_8ArrayPtrIKcEES4_S0_EEES0_DpOT_@Base" 0.2.0
kj::StringPtr)@Base" 0.2.0
kj::StringPtr)@Base" 0.2.0

Is that a problem? I've got to head out for a while, but I'll have a
read through the rest of that documentation later today & see if
there's anything enlightening in there.

> I am unable to compile the package on a clean chroot. The unittests
> fail:
> <snip>

Weird -- I'll try that out myself & see if I can figure out what's going wrong.


Tom Lee / http://tomlee.co / @tglee

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