
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 13:28:05 +0100 (CET)
Thorsten Alteholz <deb...@alteholz.de> wrote:

> as opposed to debian/copyright, which states that the license of all
> files is GPLv2, the files in src/* have a license of GPLv2+. Please
> update debian/copyright for the new upstream version (1.0.1)
> accordingly.

I don't think it's a bug. If source is distributed as GPL-2+, you're
free to take it as either GPL-2, or any later version. As GPL-2 and
GPL-3 are incompatible, to link against GPL-2 sources, you must take
GPL-2+ sources under GPL-2 or you violate the license.

That said, I think GPL-2 is the best choice here.


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