severity 737223 grave

> The latest unstable patch that relinked mumble client with the
> new libprotobuf8 is broken:

It's not a patch that did this, it's a new version of protobuf that came in 
causing a rebuild of the mumble package.

> zsh% mumble
> mumble: symbol lookup error: mumble: undefined symbol:
> _ZN6google8protobuf18GoogleOnceInitImplEPlPNS0_7ClosureE
> zsh% 

Yeah I get the same here.  :-(

This has been reported to the libprotobuf8 package in #737246.  I'm marking 
this bug as grave so that users of apt-listbugs have a chance to hold off on 
upgrading until this is fixed.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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