Control: tag -1 - moreinfo

On 04/20/2014 04:49 AM, Vincent Cheng wrote:

- debian/copyright: your LGPL-2.1 license block should contain the
standard LGPL header (similar to that of your GPL-2 license block just
below it in your copyright file)


- debian/control: Vcs-{Git,Browser} should point to where your
packaging is stored on alioth, not your upstream git repository (see
Policy 5.6.26 [1])

Specified packaging branch info in Vcs-* URLs.

- debian/rules has a redundant override_dh_installchangelogs target


- your debian/README.source is redundant given that you use source
format "3.0 (quilt)"

As I indicated, I would prefer to keep it...

On 04/20/2014 08:05 PM, Vincent Cheng wrote:
Anyways, the d/copyright issue is the only true blocker, fix that and I can upload this.


   Package rebuilt and re-uploaded.   URLs same as before.

Robert James Clay

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