❦  9 juin 2014 01:27 +0930, Ron <r...@debian.org> :

>> I am using gg-tags in Emacs and the current version of global in Debian
>> just doesn't work with this mode.
> What changed incompatibly to make it not work?  And what would need
> patching to fix that?
> I'd really much rather see problems get fixed than layered under even
> more problems.  If someone familiar with Emacs has some details of what
> doesn't work, and what needs to be done so that it will, that sounds
> like a separate bug to be addressed to me.

Some arguments seem to not exist in previous versions. I did not
investigate more as it seems quite sensible for a program to get more

With a recent version:

Usage: global [-adGilnqrstTvx][-e] pattern
       global -c[diIoOPrsT] prefix
       global -f[adlnqrstvx][-L file-list] files
       global -g[aGilnoOqtvVx][-L file-list][-e] pattern [files]
       global -I[ailnqtvx][-e] pattern
       global -P[aGilnoOqtvVx][-e] pattern
       global -p[qrv]
       global -u[qv]

With the version currently in Debian:

Usage: global [-aGilnqrstTvx][-e] pattern
       global -c[qrsv] prefix
       global -f[anqrstvx] files
       global -g[aGilnoOqtvx][-e] pattern
       global -I[ailnqtvx][-e] pattern
       global -P[aGilnoOqtvx][-e] pattern
       global -p[qrv]
       global -u[qv]
Let the data structure the program.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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