On Jun 19, Marco d'Itri <m...@linux.it> wrote:

> I propose that:
> - we immediately start rejecting mails to our lists sent from domains 
>   with a p=reject policy to prevent unsubscribing innocent third parties
This requires installing opendmarc and its dependencies and verifying 
the results in smartlist.

> - we start discussing a long term solution which will allow posts from 
>   p=reject domains as well
The possible solutions are:

a) keep rejecting mail from these domains
"Soon" it will apply to too many users, so I do not believe that this 
can be a long term approach.

b) rewrite the From headers of messages from these domains
The least annoying solution could be to rewrite p=reject domains with 
something like s/$/.rewritten-by.lists.debian.org/ (and maybe add the
original domain to the Reply-To header).
We could even setup a MX for *.rewritten-by.lists.debian.org and reject 
mail sent to it with instructions about how to reconstruct the original 
This can be intrusive and annoying for readers, but if the impact on 
the usability for the readers is considered acceptable then it is still 
better than just rejecting the messages.

c) implement a permanent and elegant solution like 
This solves the problem for all sides, but requires writing some 
non-trivial code and forces us to store the SMTPAUTH credentials of the 
submitters, which would be a big security risk for them.
(A possible alternative to phishing the submitters' credentials would be 
to use some not yet specified OAUTH authentication scheme.)


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