❦ 10 juillet 2014 12:45 +0200, Christoph <li...@unixfrickler.de> :

> I try to reinstall roundcube, but it alway fails with errors in the post or 
> perinstall scripts.
> I already purged the package several times in different ways.
> Also removed all remains manually.
> Last i tried to clean up debconf database by PURGE deconf-communicate,
> but didn't help.

Sorry for the late answer. I just tried the installation on a clean
wheezy and it succeeded without a problem.

> Last snippet of the dpkg-output with -x in the scripts:

Could you also add it to roundcube-core.config? Also, do you have
anything left with `sudo debconf-get-selections | grep roundcube`?
panic("Detected a card I can't drive - whoops\n");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/daynaport.c

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