
First off, thanks for your response!

> 1/ your mail doesn't contain any help offer to bring the patch to a
>    state where it can be merged so it was not obvious that you were
>    willing to invest time into improving it 

Ok,  maybe I was a bit unclear in my mail. Yes, we actually are interested in 
the patch to a useful state. 

> 2/ your mail was not very well
> formatted (a single line) and it's easy
>    to miss it in the flow of mails

Sorry, you are absolutely right. I didn't realise that the bugtracker would not
reflow my mail and when I did it was too late ;). 

> 3/ you need to seek the input of Guillem Jover who is the main dpkg
>    developer and who already reviewed earlier attempts to bring this
>    feature

Ok, thanks for the hint.

> With a few more researches, you could have found our wiki page
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg
> which then links to
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/Proposals/ConffileDatabase
> which contains the most recent attempt to bring this feature to Dpkg. Sean
> Finney was working on this but unfortunately he lost motivation due to lack
> of review by Guillem. Fortunately Guillem is much more responsive
> nowadays so you might have more luck to bring it to a mergeable state.

Thanks for the links and the information. The reason why I started with the
bug tracker was that I wanted to see whether somebody would respond in time.
I wanted to contribute these changes to Ians GSOC project, but it has a 
That’s why we changed to ucf very quickly. However, I still would be happy to
have this feature in dpkg and I also will tell Ian to point to the links in his 
blog post.

Best regards


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