Am 12.08.2014 um 23:25 schrieb Gregory Oschwald:

    From my last information GeoIP2 is a complete rewrite and not finished
    for productive environments, yet. Maybe it also would be better to
    provide geoip and "geoip2" as seperate source packages..

Yes, they are different formats. The new format is production ready. The C API is unlikely to change at all before a non-0.x release.

    Anyway the MaxMind DB Writer is not useful for the current format and
    where I last have got a chat with one from MaxMind: it is also not
    working, but things could have been changed..

It does work and it is used internally to generate the GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 databases. You are correct that it is only only useful for the new format.

    So what should we do now with this bugreport? I would personaly
    prefer a
    volunter who is able to extend the geoip-generator to support the city
    database as input and output.

This should be possible as the old format is fairly straightforward, but it is also quite limiting, which is why MaxMind created the new format. The legacy APIs are in maintenance only mode.

So this bug should be a "ITP". Are you interested in packaging it?

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


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