Andreas Pakulat wrote:
since the last upgrade of laptop-mode-tools (to version 1.11-1)
laptop-mode-tools always issues a "BIG FAT WARNING" during boot and when
I restart it manually.

The problem seems to be that it cannot remount "/" setting another
commit-timeout. Now my Kernel has ext3 support built into it, it mounts
"/" as ext3 and I do not see any option indicating a specific kernel
option to disable the commit Option.

I have other ext3 partitions that don't seem to issue any warning.

Hmmm, if it issues this warning then your root filesystem probably *isn't* mounted as ext3 for some reason. Otherwise laptop-mode-tools would be able to remount with a different commit interval.

You say that your kernel has ext3 support built-in, but are you sure ext3 is not built as a module?

Could you do the following:
1. Show me the entries for your root fs in /proc/mounts, /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab?
2. Do a "mount / -o remount,commit=600" and show me the output.


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